Which is right?
□ 1. My mother thinks blueteeth is a form of gum disease. She doesn't realize it is a form of technology.
□ 2. My mother thinks bluetooth is a form of gum disease. She doesn't realize it is a form of technology.
1. My mother thinks blueteeth is a form of gum disease. She doesn't realize it is a form of technology..
○2. My mother thinks bluetooth is a form of gum disease. She doesn't realize it is a form of technology.
"Bluetooth" is a technology regarding the transmission of electronic data and should be treated as a proper noun. "Bluetooth" is simply a bad translation from Chinese.
藍芽(Bluetooth)一詞是古北歐語 Blåtand / Blåtann 的一個英語化變體,藍牙的標誌是 (Hagall)和 (Bjarkan)的組合,也就是 Harald Blåtand 的首字母 HB 的合寫。
這個詞的來源是10世紀丹麥和挪威國王藍牙哈拉爾(丹麥語:Harald Blåtand Gormsen),借國王的綽號「Blåtand」當名稱,直接翻譯成中文爲「藍牙」(blå=藍,tand=牙)。在中文圈,「藍牙」又稱為「藍芽」。2006年,藍牙技術聯盟組織已將全球中文譯名統一改採直譯為「藍牙」,並註冊為該組織的註冊商標。