
Which is right?

1. School is the north Taiwan were closed during the typhoon.

2. School is the north of Taiwan were closed during the typhoon.






   1. School is the north Taiwan were closed during the typhoon.

2. School is the north of Taiwan were closed during the typhoon.




表示一地在一個國家內東、西、南、北的方向時應用in the...of,介係詞of不可少。如粗略表示方位時可用eastern, western, southern, northern示。


When you use "east", "west", "north" and "south" to refer  to a place within a country, the correct phrase is "in the ... of". If you want to refer to a large, more vague area, use "eastern", "western", "northern" and "southern", e.g. "Northern Taiwan is more industrialized than southern Taiwan.


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