
Which is right?

1. Argentina is currently classified as a secondary emerging market by the World Bank. Its GDP makes it the 31st largest economy in the world.

2. Argentina is currently classified as a secondary emerging market by the World Bank, Its GDP makes it the 31st largest economy in the world.






1. Argentina is currently classified as a secondary emerging market by the World Bank. Its GDP makes it the 31st largest economy in the world.

    2. Argentina is currently classified as a secondary emerging market by the World Bank, Its GDP makes it the 31st largest economy in the world.


本句是逗點謬誤的例子,兩個獨立子句間不可用逗點區隔,必須改用句點或分號。也可用對等連接詞,如Argentina is currently classified as a secondary emerging market by the World Bank, and its GDP makes it the 31st largest economy in the world.


A comma splice is a writing mistake that occurs when two independent clauses are joined by a comma. To fix a comma splice you can replace the comma with a period(".") or a semi-colon(";"). Alternatively, you could use a coordinating conjunction, e.g. " Argentina is currently classified as a secondary emerging market by the World Bank, and its GDP makes it the 31st largest economy in the world".

    comma period

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